Our Vision

With tremendous pride, we share the DeKalb County School District (DCSD) Strategic Plan for 2024-2029, which sets an extraordinary course for improved student success and achievement. It will guide our work over the next five years to ensure that every district administrator, teacher, and staff member is clear about and aligned with our core teaching and learning mission.

The plan’s development was a collaborative effort shaped by extensive community engagement. During the 2023-24 school year, we gathered insights from thousands of stakeholders, including families, students, educators, community partners, and elected officials. This Strategic Plan is a testament to their collective voice and dedication. Nothing was off-limits. We identified long-standing challenges and inequities and sought root-cause solutions. We also celebrated real successes and found ways to expand those across the district.

The DCSD Strategic Plan for 2024-2029 is a living document designed to adapt to the evolving educational landscape. At its core, the strategic plan commits to building supportive structures that foster high-quality academic programs and increased achievement results, precisely what our students deserve and our community expects.

Dr. Amelia Jefferson
Interim Director of Strategic Planning